Monday, April 16, 2012

After 2 weeks

1. Ammon - 11
2. Patrick - 6
3. Ed, Gabe, Gary - 5
6. Eric, Don - 4
8. Chris, Henk - 3

Week 2 results:
Ammon: Kemp 4.
Chris: Konerko 1, Lawrie 1.
Don: Hardy 1.
Ed: Torrence Swisher 1.
Eric: Kinsler 2, Napoli 1, Ortiz 1.
Gabe: Hamilton 2.
Gary: Ethier 2, Trumbo 2.
Henk and Patrick:

Ammon - Votto in, CarGo to DL
Ed - Swisher and Willingham in, Cespedes to bench, Ellsbury to DL
Eric - Soriano to bench, Howard to DL
Gabe - Dropped Wieters (after he hit a grand slam!), added C. Young (AZ) to DL
Gary - Dropped Berkman, added Freese (STL) to lineup
Henk - Dropped Freeman, added A. Jones (BAL) to lineup, Tulo to bench, Lind to DL

Waiver claim order:
Henk, Chris, Eric, Don, Gary, Gabe, Ed, Patrick, Ammon

New feature!
This week's sign that Don is not paying attention:
Mike Morse is on the shelf.


  1. Dear Baseball Gods,

    I am sorry. Not only do I release Matt Wieters on a day when he hits two bombs in the same game(one being a grand slam) but he also does it against my favorite team in a late inning meltdown by said favorite team. Your teachings are cruel but enlightening. Moral is don't release a player on a day when he is playing against your favorite team because, to paraphase Rick Vaughn, he is going to shove it up your ass every time he plays against you. Lesson humbly learned. Thank you baseball gods.


    1. Our first post of angst! I feel like we've hit a milestone. Or cleared a level in Zelda.

      Either way: well done, Gabe.
